In recent months I came to notice that every other friend I've spoken to has either been holding garage sales on their front lawns or more efficiently selling everything but the kitchen sink online!
Folks are getting rid of old books, purses, moldy coats (please dry clean before selling) and anything not bolted down or needed for immediate use. Its quite a phenomenon if you ask me.
To think the items we used to hoard and treasure. Like the pair of pants that used to fit you just right but are now a couple sizes too small but you were hoping you would fit back in them - gone.
The Fendi purse your mom gave you that you thought you'd use one day but just haven't found the right occasion and its been sitting in your closet for years - gone.
The massive amounts of dusty books you've kept around displaying your intellect are now not as necessary as you once thought, you can show people how smart you are in other ways - gone.
With a couple of clicks on the key board, these possessions which were once prized and adored are being thrown into the fire in order to pay for other important things like food, shelter and gasoline!
Our parents always told us that one mans junk was another mans treasure and we never really got it did we? Well now we do and we're learning it the hard way. An article on Reuters states, "its not about getting rid of clutter anymore, its about survival." And they're not kidding.
So don't be ashamed, its merely cause and effect, a product of our current state. So click away friends, click away to a better tomorrow because in today's economy you can't just sit around and sulk, you've gotta get up and do whatever you can to stay afloat and if selling the old beanbag puts gas in your tank to get you to the next interview then so be it!
Folks are getting rid of old books, purses, moldy coats (please dry clean before selling) and anything not bolted down or needed for immediate use. Its quite a phenomenon if you ask me.
To think the items we used to hoard and treasure. Like the pair of pants that used to fit you just right but are now a couple sizes too small but you were hoping you would fit back in them - gone.
The Fendi purse your mom gave you that you thought you'd use one day but just haven't found the right occasion and its been sitting in your closet for years - gone.
The massive amounts of dusty books you've kept around displaying your intellect are now not as necessary as you once thought, you can show people how smart you are in other ways - gone.
With a couple of clicks on the key board, these possessions which were once prized and adored are being thrown into the fire in order to pay for other important things like food, shelter and gasoline!
Our parents always told us that one mans junk was another mans treasure and we never really got it did we? Well now we do and we're learning it the hard way. An article on Reuters states, "its not about getting rid of clutter anymore, its about survival." And they're not kidding.
So don't be ashamed, its merely cause and effect, a product of our current state. So click away friends, click away to a better tomorrow because in today's economy you can't just sit around and sulk, you've gotta get up and do whatever you can to stay afloat and if selling the old beanbag puts gas in your tank to get you to the next interview then so be it!
And if one day I just happen to see you strolling out of Goodwill I promise that little secret stays between you and me...
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