It's almost as though the less you get the more you pay. And let me just tell you I'M SICK OF IT!! After getting a nice cheap buzz going at Zeke's we moved on to the W. Yes ladies and gents we finally have a W hotel right here in Miami Beach. And let me just say its gorgeous. I can't really tell you details about what happens next except for the clear wall I remember seeing between the girls and boys bathrooms in the lobby. But the rest of the night is choppy. I do know that the pool was fabulous and the club was hot. And I mean hot in every way. We managed to get in without a problem which in Miami is a miracle. I don't remember what I said but it worked! I guess its years of experience dealing with these door guys. From the moment we got in, the music was pumping and the drinks were pouring. We danced and drank and managed to stumble our way out in time to make it to a diner to eat and possibly sober up. All in all the night was a success. But I couldn't help but think about the million times I've gone out and encountered problems in this town. From the parking to the door guy to the over priced drink and shitty music. It's like what are we doing here? Who are these clubs, restaurants and lounges catering to anyway? It's not me and I'm sure its not you either cause we're locals and we're all pissed and fed up. You don't know how many times I fore go an outing to stay home and watch a movie instead. It's like who needs that crap. The door guy thinks he's mightier than God. Then you got the parking lots, which by the way who are they owned by? Are these independent or city owned? Either way they're committing highway robbery on steroids! It's ridiculous to have to pay $20 dollars at a lot that is supposed to be a $1 an hour. And let me just add, I am not the stingy type but I do not see the logic or reason to go out and be forced to spend exorbitant amounts of money on things that should be reasonably priced. I don't know maybe its just me. When you do go out you just have to ignore it in order to have a good time. Whatever happened to going out on a budget? Tourism has warped this town. Where does that leave the locals??
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