Like the pair of brand new shoes you've only worn once to the various pairs of cuff links you have for each day of the week, as much as you may not want to admit it, you yourself have become disposal. But unlike the “spoils of war,” your traces do not remain long after the battle is over…
Human beings as individuals have become a transient item.
We have become another one of the many replaceable items in our homes or in our closets that get substituted for something newer and better when the use for that item is no longer required. But my question is, when did human beings become disposable?
Eliminating somebody’s traces from your life has almost become an art form. No longer are we compelled by morals or principles to look someone in the face and explain what it is that is bothering us. It is much easier to just get a new one.
You don’t hold a tie up in the air and say, “Hey friend, our relationship has run its course," do you? So why would you do that with a human being? It’s all much too complicated and takes up way too much time and much needed energy. Energy that could be spent doing something much more productive like crunches, or better yet calling the next person on the list...
We no longer look at each other as valuable, or worthy for the sake of the relationship. We see each other as items and are constantly asking ourselves, “What is this person doing to better my situation?”
We forgot how the person was there when you least expected. We forget how they made us laugh when we were down. We so easily forget all the amazing things that make that person who they are and that garner that person at the very least a final conversation. What did that person do to deserve such treatment, care for you?
Imagine how much happier we would all be if instead of when asked, "So whatever happened to Bob?" one could proudly say, "Well he was a great guy and he's in Alaska right now photographing seals," rather than recoiling in embarrassment and saying, "I have no idea, he left me without a trace..?"
Unfortunately, Miami has bred self indulgent, narcissistic individuals who have no sense of remorse what-so-ever for what they do or who they do it to.
They do not hold themselves accountable for their actions so why should others? Then we wonder why this city is such a nightmare to date in? What we don’t realize is that we ourselves have brought forth this kind of unrealistic cut-throat environment.
Granted, I am not trying to toot my own horn or win the Medal of Honor for my services here; I’m just saying this has gotten out of hand.
Since when is it okay to accept a gift or a favor from someone without returning it ten fold? Since when did it become okay to specifically date someone until “the one” comes along and either sweeps you off your feet or makes you fall head over heels?
We’re all guilty of it.
Where is our sense of compassion for one another? No one looks each other in the eye anymore. We’re like little hamsters running in our cages all alone in our wheels, going no where fast..
We all have feelings. People have feelings. It shouldn’t be so difficult to say sorry to someone. Saying sorry doesn’t mean you are wrong and they are right. It means you acknowledge the other individuals point of view enough to meet them half way on the subject.
Whatever happened to being courteous and caring about the well being of others? I mean if I ever found myself in a tight spot, I would like to believe that a complete stranger would step up to help me, but these days I’m not so sure anymore..
A human being is not an item to be toyed with for a while and then turned in for another model. A person is not merely a “warm body” or a “decent date” or a “good listener,” that is there to fill the role for your convenience. People not only have feelings but they also have better things to do than to be catering to your needs all day.
Maybe, if we all stopped trying to over compensate for our poor judgment and lack of personality by worrying about our appearances and buying nice cars and big boats, we might find the time to work on ourselves from the inside and maybe just maybe become better human beings in the meantime.
Hopefully disposable human beings will just be another fad or something like white jeans and we'll all go back to valuing one another.
I don’t know, I’m just sayin…