The Democratic Republic of Beer is a bar that carries over 150 beers from all over the world. And the premise is, the first time you walk in you fill out your passport with some likes and dislikes and some basic information and they store it on file. Then whenever you come in and order a beer they are supposed to put it on your passport so that you and they can keep track of what beers you've had. I brought friends with me that had never been there before so upon arrival I requested a passport for them to fill out. I was so gleefully excited to bring my friends to this new spot and show them the cool passport gimmick.
Being that the last time I had gone in I had tried like 5 different beers (oops I meant to say 2), I requested my passport to see what I had tried because who could remember, and I wanted to know what to choose. And to my dismay the bartender told me they had not saved anything to my passport so I basically had to start all over again. In addition, one of my friends couldn't fill out their passports because they didn't have enough copies made. Leading me to believe that this whole passport thing was exactly that, a gimmick..
So I put that little incident behind me and decided I'd order some new beers, hoping they would add them to my list this time. At that point the menu became so daunting that I really didn't know what to choose and the staff wasn't the greatest at steering my taste buds into the right direction. I decided to wing it on my own and choose a beer I thought would be good and they said they had just run out. The same thing happened the next 3 beers I ordered...
And with each reply it felt like I was talking to the soup guy on Seinfeld except it sounded more like, "NO BEER FOR YOU!!!"
Finally I was able to get a beer that I requested and that they had in stock early enough to catch up to my friends who were well on their way to a beer buzz. It was a Japanese beer called Hitachino Nest with a little owl on the label, that tasted like fruit which was good.
We then decided to order some apps and call me crazy but when they arrived it felt as though the plates had been dropped on our table from high above and the silverware just flung in our direction. Very abrupt if you ask me. I mean I know we're at a bar essentially ordering bar food but we're sitting down and it does say "restaurant" on the sign. There is something to say about service. Service is service is service no matter the environment you're in, period.
And finally I decided to go with Le Fin du Monde which they had thank goodness and if you haven't tried, I highly recommend you do. It has been my favorite beer lately. And I stuck to that for the remainder of the evening, I really didn't want to go through the headache of dealing with the server staff again. Instead of feeling like they wanted to help me find the perfect beer for me, it felt more like I was bothering them and for that I can go to Total Wines buy a bevy of beers, get great service and go home happy instead.
I am still holding out a flame for this spot though. I mean who knows, anyone could have a bad night. I just hope its different next time I go in. And lets hope they wrote in what beers I had, but maybe I'll just go in with my own pen and pad. I don't know, let's keep our fingers crossed...